FCT 2024 Call for PhD Fellowships

Ubiquitous yet unique, lipid droplets (LD) are intracellular organelles that are increasingly being recognized for their versatility beyond energy storage. Advances uncovering the intricacies of their biogenesis and the diversity of their physiological and pathological roles have yielded new insights into LD biology. Despite these insights, the mechanisms governing their biogenesis and functions remain incompletely understood. In this work, we want to explore the causal relationships between the biophysical properties and functions of LDs in interorganellar communication, and how alterations in LD composition and proteomics impact on disease.
We are actively seeking highly motivated students available to apply for the upcoming FCT 2024 Call for PhD Fellowships, to develop research within the project Charting the Biophysical Landscape of Lipid Droplets Biology in a multidisciplinary group constituted by iMed.Lisboa, (Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon) and i3S (University of Porto).
Here's why you should seize this opportunity:
Cutting-Edge Research: Explore groundbreaking and recent advancements in biophysics, organellar multispectral imaging and LD cell biology.
Scientific Advisors & Career Advancement: Integrate two research groups from leading institutes and develop a multidisciplinary work under the guidance of a network of scientists.
Exciting Contributions: Contribute to impactful yet cutting-edge scientific discoveries at the crossroads of biophysics and cell biology of LD in disease
If you're ready to take the next step and join our team, drop us a message at vitor.teixeira@ibmc.up.pt (i3S) and lianacsilva@ff.ulisboa.pt (iMed.Lisboa)!
Deadline: April 3rd, 2024
Send along you CV and a short motivation letter!
Liana C. Silva & Vitor Teixeira
iMed.ULisboa, University of Lisbon / i3S, University of Porto

Contact us for further information on ongoing projects & research opportunities